A Holistic Herbalism School with a Christian Worldview
A holistic herbalism school that wont ask you to Compromise your Christian beliefs!
Healing plants are everywhere – even in the Bible! God gave you herbs to gladden your heart (Ps. 104.14). You are surrounded by a sea of natural medicine. The School of Christian Herbalism will help you navigate your way through the world of alternative health and holistic herbalism without having to compromise your deeply held Christian faith. At the School of Christian Herbalism, you will gain a quality education in holistic herbalism from a Christian perspective.
Reclaiming Holistic Herbalism and Alternative Health for Christ!
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
If you have a heart to serve your community as an herbalist, then God is calling you. Paul urged us to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. It is time to reclaim holistic herbalism and alternative healthcare. It was the Triune God who created the plants and gave them their healing properties. Yet for too long Christians have allowed other worldview to co-opt the healing authority that God gave to His children. Are you ready to reclaim your rightful heritage as a holistic herbal healer?
The School of Christian Herbalism can help you. You will learn how to use herbs for healing within a Christian framework. This is truly a holistic model of healing! The courses will take you beyond simply understanding how to use herbs, they will give you a foundation upon which to understand health and wellness. You will learn why Christianity is the best framework for understanding healing, wellness, and the natural world. Finally, you will learn how to see people as while persons, as God sees them.

Serve your Community as a Christian Holistic Herbalist
Now is the time to step into the role that God created you for. Holistic herbal healthcare is affordable, accessible, and powerful. Therefore, it is the perfect model for bringing wellness into the community. By becoming a holistic herbalist, you can help people take control over their own health. All while spreading the love of the Gospel.
More than ever, the world needs healing: physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. It’s time to answer the call and join the ancient mothers and fathers of our faith who served God, by serving their community as healers.
Learn more about the Foundations of Christian Herbalism
A Christian Holistic Herbalism School
Are ready to answer the call, but you don’t know where to begin? Let us help you. You don’t have to do it alone. At the School of Christian Herbalism you can choose from a variety of courses to suit your needs. Whether you want to be a professional herbalist or simply help your family and friends maintain wellness, the School of Christian Herbalism has the right course for you.
Christian Herbalism Courses Online
Find the right course for you!
Foundations in Christian Herbalism
If you want a deep and comprehensive education in Christian holistic herbalism, this course is for you. Over 50 hours worth of lectures in this course.
Click here to enroll now!
Level: Beginner to intermediate
Tuition: from $79.90/month
(10 Monthly Payments)
Total: $799
Receive 25% OFF with the promo code: BACK2SCHOOL
Learn More>>
Materia Medica & Herbal Monographs
Gain a deeper understanding of the properties, uses, energetics, and history of each herb. Get over 45 minutes worth of information on each herb covered.
Click here to be put on the waiting list!
Level: All
Tuition: from $24.88/month
(8 Monthly Payments)
Total: $199
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Course is opening soon!
Christian Family Herbalist
Learn to help your family, friends, and community by using simple holistic herbal practices. This course is the perfect introductory course in holistic herbalism
Click here to be put on the waiting list!
Level: Beginner
Tuition: from $24.88/month
(8 Monthly Payments)
Total: $199
Stay up to date!
Course is opening soon!
Future Herbal Courses in the Planning Stage
- Advanced Christian Clinical Herbalism Course
- Botany for Herbalists Course
- Wild-Crafting Medicine Course
- Plant-based Nutrition
- Herbal Bath and Beauty Care Course
- Emergency Herbal Medicine Course
- Botanical Illustration Course
Help us usher in a new era of Christian holistic herbalism by studying the healing arts. Rediscover the roots of illness and health by studying holistic herbalism from a Biblical perspective. You can help grow a movement of worldwide healers who are rooted in the saving faith of Christ.

To learn more about the Foundations in Christian Herbalism Course, Click here!
Listen to three free lectures from the Foundations of Holistic Christian Herbalism Course Online
- Introduction to the Foundations of Christian Herbalism
- The Harmonic Approach to Christian Holistic Herbalism
- The Herbal Properties – Taste – Bitters

Join us as we strive to create a life of abundance, joy, and beauty through the power of holistic, Christian based, creative herbal arts.
Legal Disclaimer and Disclosure:
The information offered in these lectures and on the School of Christian Herbalism websites, handouts, and podcasts is for educational purposes only. Neither the School of Christian Herbalism nor Vas Avramidis nor any of its affiliates makes any medical claim, nor intends to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Women who are pregnant or nursing, and persons with known medical conditions, should consult their licensed health care provider before taking any herbal product. Links to external sites are for informational purposes only. Neither the School of Christian Herbalism, nor Vas Avramidis, endorses nor is in any way responsible for their content. Listeners and readers must do their own research concerning the safety and usage of any herbs or supplements.
Is the course self paced or are the videos offered on a timed basis? If offered on a periodic basis, how long does it take to complete the course? Thanks.
Hi Jim. Thanks for contacting us about the school. The course is delivered through audio lectures. A new lecture is released every week. It will take a little over a year to complete the course. But you can take as long as you need, there is no time limit. Pease let me know if you have any further questions.